Marie Skłodowska-Curie Award

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Award

María Muñoz San MartínMaría Muñoz San Martín was awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship in the 2020 call.

María Muñoz San Martín was trained in Girona Biomedical Research Institute with a specific expertise in the analysis of circulating microRNAs in samples of multiple sclerosis patients to study their potential role as clinical biomarkers.

María will undertake her fellowship under the supervision of Dr Claire McCoy at RCSI, Dr Una Fitzgerald at NUIG and Dr Yvonne Dombrowksi at QUB with a project entitled “MiRNAs as therapeutics for neurorepair in Multiple Sclerosis”. She will carry out this project with the main aim of identifying microRNAs involved in the damage and endogenous repair associated to multiple sclerosis by combining human miRNA data with robust experimental models. In addition, the modulation of selected miRNA expression will be studied as a therapeutic tool to promote neurorepair in mulitple sclerosis.

AIMS-RN – Launch

AIMS-RN - Launch

The All-Ireland MS research network (AIMS-RN) was launched on February 24th, 2021, to connect MS researchers on the island of Ireland. The six founding investigators (see below, and click here for profiles) worked virtually over the last 12 months, to agree aims, mission and ethos of the AIMS-RN. Invitations extended to dozens of researchers (click here for members list) has brought together a multi-disciplinary research-focused entity that will drive island-wide research forward.

Launch AIMS-RN