AIMS-RN Summer Studentship Awardees

AIMS-RN Summer Studentship Awardees



I’m Pearse, a 2nd year science student from Belfast currently studying for a BSc in Human Biology at Queen’s University Belfast. I am eager to learn about and engage with challenging, novel research and to work as part of a dedicated team of scientists.

I am delighted to have been successful in my application for this studentship, MS is a devastating disease that affects many people in Ireland and across the globe, including members of my own family. The AIMS-RN summer studentship is an amazing opportunity to be able to work collaboratively with a team of talented researchers who are focused on limiting MS progression through the use of innovative scientific methods.


My name is Niamh Walsh and I am currently in the third year of my undergraduate course studying Human Health and Disease in Trinity College, Dublin. So far, my studies have given me the opportunity to engage in a wide range of biomedical sciences and this has led me to acquire a specific interest in Neurology and Immunology.

I am delighted to have been awarded a summer studentship by the incredible team behind the AIMS research network. The mission of unifying and supporting MS researchers across the island of Ireland is inspirational and I am grateful to have been accepted to be a part of it. I aspire to become involved in the advances that have taken place in MS research within the last few years and I am hopeful that I will pursue a career in this area in the future.




I have just completed my final year of studies in Biomedical Science, specialising in Anatomy in NUI Galway.

My motivation to apply for this studentship stems from my long-established interest in neurodegenerative and inflammatory conditions, as such making Multiple Sclerosis research the ideal intersection between the two disciplines. My dedicated interest in MS specifically, stems from my previous studies of demyelinating disorders which have enhanced my understanding and intrigue, as well as my personal relations to sufferers of this disorder which have played a pivotal role in my reason for application to the AIMS-RN studentship.

I look forward to working with like-minded individuals this summer and am excited to have the opportunity to work with experts in this area of research.


Hello, my name is Melody and I’m an aspiring MS research scientist! I recently graduated from an undergraduate degree in Human Health & Disease and soon I will be commencing a PhD in MS this September.

I applied for this studentship because I wanted to gain as much experience as possible before commencing my PhD. I am very excited to tackle the challenges of my project to gain much valuable insight! I find MS research to be very intriguing, and I am looking forward to delving into this field. 


NI MS Research Network committee wins the Vice-Chancellor’s Research Culture Prize

NI MS Research Network committee wins the Vice-Chancellor’s Research Culture Prize

Congratulations to Northern Ireland MS Research Network committee who recently won the Vice-Chancellor’s Research Culture Prize at Queen’s University Belfast. This prize is awarded to a team/individual ‘that has made an outstanding contribution towards a more supportive, inclusive and collaborative research culture’. The committee of NIMSRN are all members of AIMS-RN.

The announcement of the Research Culture Prize can be viewed on the following link:

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Award

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Award

María Muñoz San MartínMaría Muñoz San Martín was awarded the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship in the 2020 call.

María Muñoz San Martín was trained in Girona Biomedical Research Institute with a specific expertise in the analysis of circulating microRNAs in samples of multiple sclerosis patients to study their potential role as clinical biomarkers.

María will undertake her fellowship under the supervision of Dr Claire McCoy at RCSI, Dr Una Fitzgerald at NUIG and Dr Yvonne Dombrowksi at QUB with a project entitled “MiRNAs as therapeutics for neurorepair in Multiple Sclerosis”. She will carry out this project with the main aim of identifying microRNAs involved in the damage and endogenous repair associated to multiple sclerosis by combining human miRNA data with robust experimental models. In addition, the modulation of selected miRNA expression will be studied as a therapeutic tool to promote neurorepair in mulitple sclerosis.

AIMS-RN – Launch

AIMS-RN - Launch

The All-Ireland MS research network (AIMS-RN) was launched on February 24th, 2021, to connect MS researchers on the island of Ireland. The six founding investigators (see below, and click here for profiles) worked virtually over the last 12 months, to agree aims, mission and ethos of the AIMS-RN. Invitations extended to dozens of researchers (click here for members list) has brought together a multi-disciplinary research-focused entity that will drive island-wide research forward.

Launch AIMS-RN